im such a bad person.
who knows how long it has been since i have posted. ive tried to keep up with it and ive NEEDED to, but when im on a computer i am either editing or pinning. yes, sad but true.
this was our year to spend christmas with my family and we had a fabulous time. they just moved into a new home and it. is. amazing. it is still under construction but we had a great time and skyler got to help my dad do alot. burn things. out up doors. hang blinds. skyler loves helping. he wishes he couldve been able to help more but my parents were dead set on having a good time while we were there... those party poopers... natalie and kevin were there. it was a good time. the night we got there it was pretty late but the next day we went and cut down our christmas tree! it was so cold. so so so cold. i have thin blood but i had on many layers. we also decided to have a fun photo shoot while we were there. ive never shot in snow and let me tell you.. i was paranoid that i, or natalie or my mom, would drop my camera in the snow and i would cry my sad little eyes out. christmas was good. i got a new laptop, a large canner, an N46, and a durn cute over night bag to name a few. i love giving gifts as well so its not all about the presents for me... here are some photos: