About Me

Our Mancub

Our Mancub
Rex 9 months

Saturday, February 18, 2012


I had a shoot this morning, holy cow.
t'was legen (wait for it........) dary.
we had a shoot planned for the afternoon that cancelled
so we went out on the town.
we went to BBB and got this duvet that i have
had on hold for FOREVER.
it is amazing.
and i am excited.
then we went to bahama bucks.
i got lemenade :)
after we went to bahama bucks, we went to sears.
skyler got an air compressor.
he has died and gone to heaven i swear!
while we were at the mall, we stopped at VS of course
and i got this lucky little guy.
say 'ello to my new laptop bag.
complete with zipper and pocket for my mouse.
im in love.

love - j

Wednesday, February 15, 2012


as of late, our lives have been filled with glad and sad times. we have recently traveled to california and spent 4 days, just skyler and i. we went to disneyland superbowl sunday and the day after and had such an amazing time with one another. its nice to just be able to pic up and go right now. no kids to deal with. no animals to get someone to feed and water. that may change this year.. i dont know.
we also have made a big purchase. we are now proud owners of a Canon 5D Mark II camera. it. is. amazing. i mean, i thought when i married skyler i was in love, then i got this camera.. Im kidding obviously. i wouldnt trade skyler for anything in this world. with a growing client base, it was s necessary purchase and i love and care for all of you who support me. with the amazing feeling of the suport from all of you, of course youll have those people who have to try and bring you down. the ones who hurt you. the ones who tear you down because theyre too unhappy with themselves. just remember, you are loved. you were brought here for a purpose, and for every purson who is tearing you down, there are outnumbered by the ones who are holding you up.
